Challenge Takeaway

Short and simple: Think about the last 7 weeks…What’s one thing you’ll take away from this challenge? Please share below. (Did you learn anything new about yourself? Something that worked…or didn’t? Confidence? More focused? More...

Small Steps

This is the last day of 2017. Reflect on what went well and what didn’t go well. Make a plan for the new year, and stick to it. Small steps are still steps in the right direction and if you take enough small steps, you’ll look back and see that you’ve moved miles. •••...

Meal Prep Guide Week 7

Here we go, ladies! The last Meal Prep Guide…(sniff, sniff, teary-eyed face). This Meal Prep Guide has a lot of delicious recipes in it. The ones for this week are particularly easy to make and really don’t take a lot of time…a great combination!...