HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 🦃🍁🍽 I hope you all have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. Enjoy your time with family and friends! I am so thankful that you are doing this challenge with me. I feel very lucky that I am able to do something that I love every day and that I get to be a part of your journeys.
And as for a little bit of encouragement and advice for today…stay focused on your goals, but do NOT feel guilty about indulging! Take it from me…do your best to only eat what you REALLY want, but don’t go overboard (the stomach ache that follows will surely make you regret it!). But, if you do eat a little more than you would have liked, don’t beat yourself up. Tomorrow is a new day. A new day to start over. It’s not all or nothing here…we’re real people in the real world. Even when we’re creating a healthier lifestyle, we’re allowed to indulge on those rare occasions AND enjoy ourselves while doing it!
If you’ve thought about it, share one strategy that you’ll try to use to stay focused on your goals today…we can support each other and celebrate small wins together. 😊