Hi ladies! Here’s a post I wrote this morning…we’re starting week three. Don’t give up on your healthy eating and fitness routines yet! You’ve worked hard to get where you are. Each healthy choice you make is better for your body and will serve you in the long run. Keep it up…you’ll see those results!!

How do you stay on track when you find yourself straying?

STARTING OVER: Starting over isn’t always a bad thing, and is sometimes uplifting and exciting…except when it comes to working out and meal prep. In those cases, it just plain ol’ sucks. How many times have you stopped a workout and healthy eating routine just to find that it’s sooo much harder to get back on track?
The reason it’s so terrible is because you already know that you’ll be sore, and once you are, you remember. Oh, do you remember. You know it’ll take time away from other things you’d like to do when you have to meal prep. And it requires planning to make sure you have everything you need as well as the time to make it. And sometimes you’re just tired and you know it would be easier to miss a workout or dig in the freezer for something you’ve hidden away for those “times when you just need something quick.”
But let’s face it…that mentality doesn’t serve you nor your health. Sure it’ll suck. But it’ll only suck until you’ve made working out and meal prep your norm.
So here’s the deal…if you’re tired of getting back on track, stop falling off. And I’m not talking missing a workout or two or just one week of meal prep. I’m talking about when you just give up. Don’t give up. You’re stronger and better than that. No matter where you are on your journey, you worked hard to get there, so don’t lose it. I know that life gets in the way sometimes, but when you make your health a priority, you won’t have to restart the process over and over and over again. Because, as you know, it’s awful.
You’re welcome for this kick in the pants this morning. 😉 If you feel like you’re on the verge of falling off track, I’d seriously reconsider. And if you need any help or suggestions, please let me know!
