INSECURITIES: I was going to write a post about how chair pose is super difficult for me. And I was going to say that when I’m in the pose, I feel like my thighs are almost parallel to the ground and it feels that way because I’m shaking so much. But looking at the pics, it’s obviously an illusion.  I was going to go on to say that I’ve gotten better at it (I really have!) and that I’ll continue to practice. And I will.
But I almost didn’t post these. When I looked back at them, I thought, “WTF? My ribs are sticking out like mad (my left ribs actually sticks out further than my right due to an injury, plus keeping my core tight and lifted to support my back in the pose makes them look like they stick out more) and people are going to comment on how gross I look.  And look at my arms!?! Yikes!! Could they be any longer? Nope. Then they’d be called legs. I look like an f’ing monkey.”  And then I put on the breaks.
Goodness I was being hard on myself. You know what? I actually like my body. I feed it good, healthy food, and I get moving (a lot!) most days, and because of it, my body has done me well. I’m proud of what it can do and what it has done. And I realize everyone has insecurities, and if any one of my friends (or probably anyone I overheard) were bashing her body like I just did to my own, I’d step in and point out all the wonderful things her body can do. And I’d tell her that she’s worked for her body and her body has worked for her. And perhaps she can do more for her body, but it’s gotten her to this point, and it’s an amazing thing.
So, don’t bash your body. Treat it with the respect it deserves. We’re much harder on ourselves than we should be. Look at your body for what it CAN do and be grateful for it. (And, yes, I understand that most people probably never noticed my uneven ribs nor my long monkey-like arms and now that’s all they’ll see.  But, this message was more important than ribs and arms. )