Hi everyone! Here are a few tips and reminders of how to approach the challenge. Remember, if you ever have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. I’m here to help you get a little healthier and create some good habits over the next 30 days.

First, make sure you either bookmark the page, have your payment receipt email on hand (the link is in there), or check the FB group where I’ll post the link to the challenge page (Password: backtoschool). Everything I post will be uploaded in there for easy access. The link is: http://phoenixwellnesslife.com/no-excuses-september-2017/

Also, please make sure you sign up on the right side of the challenge page in order to be notified via email each time I post something.

You can also join the Facebook group, if you haven’t already done so. I will be posting daily, and I’d like for you to be active in the group as well. Share anything you feel like sharing – a meal, some progress, frustrations, or even some inspiration! The link to the private group is: https://www.facebook.com/groups/462559660775608/

I hope you had a chance to take a look at the Meal Prep Guide for Week 1 found on the challenge page (and I will upload it into the Facebook group). Read through the introduction, as it will explain how to use the guide, and it also gives some tips on food preparation. The goal for the food guide is to give you a new look at some different healthy (and delicious!) foods. Also know this…You don’t have to make every recipe in each guide each week. Start small. If you’re not used to meal-prepping, and you make one thing, it’s a win! You may like some recipes and not others. You may want to add in one meal at a time each week to switch things up from your regular routine. The choice is yours. This challenge is about becoming healthier over the next 30 days.

Now, getting healthier doesn’t always translate to huge losses on the scale. Over the next 30 days, you can certainly weigh yourself, but also focus on how you’re feeling. Are you less tired? Do you not have an afternoon crash? Do you feel more in control? Do you have more energy? Self-confidence? Are your clothes fitting better? That being said, sometimes it helps to take before and after pictures. This is not something that is required, but when the scale isn’t moving, it helps to see progress in pictures.

Lastly, think about what you’d like to accomplish over the next 30 days. I encourage you to share your goals in the private Facebook group, as it has been proven that when you share your goals with others, you’re more likely to accomplish them. Plus, when you have a goal to work toward, you tend to be more motivated, as you have something to actually work for. Your goals don’t have to be big goals, either. They can be something as simple as drinking 3 bottles full of water a day. It’s a goal that seems simple, but it will do great things for your body. And once you have that goal down, you can start working toward another goal.

That’s all for now! I’m looking forward to working with you over the next 30 days. I’m always here or in the Facebook group if you have any questions. Remember, we’re in this together, and I want to see you all reach your goals. I’ll see you bright and early in your inbox tomorrow morning!
