Hi ladies and gents! Here’s the workout for day 12. It’s a total body 7x7x7 workout. You’ll do 7 exercises 7 times each for 7 rounds. That’s a total of 49 of each exercise! You can do this a couple of ways…1. You can put a clock on for a certain amount of time 15 or 20 minutes, for example, and see how many rounds you get through. OR 2. You can time yourself to see how long it takes you to get through the 7 rounds. For either option, you should try to beat your number of rounds/time next time you do this workout. (Of course, you can just make it a point to get through 7 rounds today. Get some work friends to jump in with you, or do it on your lunch break.

For this video, I go through only 2 rounds. For the first round, I explain modifications for each exercise, and for the second round, I go at a regular pace. My pace might be slower or faster than yours, so I decided that two rounds together was probably good. But, if you like working out at my pace, the regular-paced round starts at minute 5:17 (or so), and so you can take a mini-break at the end of each round and rewind to that point. And the breakdown of exercises is below so you can take a screen shot or write them down and do it from wherever you are (whether or not you have access to the internet!).

(This thumbnail…Yikes! I look angry.)

Here’s the breakdown of exercises in the video:

Day 12 Total Body (7 exercises x7 times each one x7 rounds = 49 of each exercise)

  1. Push-ups
  2. Squat Jumps
  3. In and Outs
  4. Up-Down Plank
  5. Jump Lunges
  6. Spider Plank
  7. Burpees

*Injury disclaimer: Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. You should always consult your physician or other healthcare provider before changing your diet or starting an exercise program. Any person using this video assumes full risk of injury resulting from performing the exercises in this video.