Day 10 Workout – Core

Hi guys and gals! Today’s workout is sure to get your core burning. 12 exercises, 45 seconds for each one with 15 seconds of rest in between. If you can, try to repeat this workout once or twice throughout the day, OR you can pair this with another one of your...

Day 9 Workout – Legs

Hi guys and gals! Here’s the workout for Day 9. It’s a killer leg workout. Try to repeat it at least once throughout the day. You’ll see that I have to take some mini-breaks throughout the workout because my legs were burning. But also notice that I...

Day 8 Workout – Total Body

Hi guys and gals! Here’s the workout for Day 8. It’s a total body workout. 12 minutes. 45 seconds for each exercise with 15 seconds of rest in between. Remember, if you need a break when doing any of the exercises, take it! And don’t forget to drink...

Week 1 Check In

Alright everyone!! You’ve made it through the first week. Now it’s time for a check in… 1. What was a win from this week? Did you reach your weekly goal? 2. What’s something you need to work on? 3. How many workouts did you get in? 4....

Step by Step

I know you’re all on the path to success! You’re taking it one day at a time, step-by-step. So what’s a win you’ve had this week? Remember, the steps you’re taking toward your goal don’t have to be big steps. They can be small....